Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

Halloween's special: my ghost stories to you

2014. október 30. - Krisztina Panyi

Halloween is really a thing in the UK. It is almost as important as the Santa Clause. But it is creepy.

So, nowadays my friends and I found out a new game: they gave me the name of a fictional ghost and 4 characteristic words. And from this I had to create a story. 

As it is Halloween today, I am here to tell you 3 of my most vicious ghost stories for the Holiday.


1. The Yeast Ghost of Edinburgh

It is quite common in Edinburgh to smell yeast around the late night and the early morning hours. So when I visited my friend there, it was clear that I have to come up with something that serves as an explanation.

The clues they gave me for the story: Mel Gibbson (aka. William Wallace), haggis, the most English man ever, kilt and whisky.

From these information let me tell you the vicious story of the Yeast Ghost of Edinburgh...

It was a long time ago, back at the time of William Wallace (who was later known as Mel Gibbson with a Scottish accent) that the most English man of all time, whose name was Edward John Smith, came to Scotland with a secret mission. He became the official haggis maker of Wallace, but he had a horrible secret: his haggis was made out of Scottish soldiers. But as the Man-Haggis was always smelling whisky, he added some yeast to cover the smell. He himself was always smelling of yeast as well. But one night when he was out in his man hunt he made a fatal mistake. His kilt (as he had to wear one, part of the disguise) was ripped, and parts of it were found at the place of the murder. So he was caught and sentenced to death. He was executed in Edinburgh at the darkest hour of the night, just on the eve of Halloween. Since then he has been hunting for victims, and the last thing they smell before their mysterious disappearance is the smell of yeast...



2. The Sneeze Ghost of Ireland

As the game went on, and one of my friends started to sneeze, they got another idea of a frightening ghost. So they gave me the details, and I gave them a story.

The clues they gave me were: Ireland, leprechaun, 4 leaf clover, potato and angry mob.

So it was my turn to tell the story of the Sneeze Ghost...

Once upon a time in Ireland there was a wicked leprechaun who wanted to make the best joke ever. One day he went out to the potatofields and turned all the potato into 4 leaf clover. At first people were amazed, but later they realized, that with all the potato gone, they are most likely going to starve to death during the winter. So they went to the fields, and tried to dig it for food, but they did not find anything. The evil leprechaun was hiding in the bushes, trying so hard not to laugh, but suddenly he had to sneeze, and this blew away his cover. The mob found him, and tried to convince him, to give them back the crop. But he did not want to end his joke yet. So as the situation became more and more desperate, the mob started to hit him with stones. He was tortured to death, and as he died the four leaf clovers all turned back into potato plants. However the leprechaun did not rest in peace, as his spirit came back soon after he passed away. He was angry and confused, but most of all he wanted vengeance. And since then he has been haunting the world, sneezing his victims to death, until their eyes explode. The last thing they see is the wicked leprechaun covered in blood and having the most evil smile imaginable.



3. The Clashing Spirit of the Student Dorm

 Later on I told another good friend of mine about the stories, and of course, he asked for his own one about the Clashing Spirit of the Student Dorm.

My words were: clashing spirit, student dorm, a beautiful evening dress, heating system, flower

So I tried my best to tell him the story of The Clashing Spirit of the Student Hall...

Not so long ago there was a student dorm in the heart of Budapest. It was well known not just because of its great parties, but because of the cold air that rushed through its floors without any explanation. However they had the best heating system available, it was always chilly inside the building, and when they tried to start the heating system, the clashing sounds were unbearable. One day as the plumber tried to fix the system in the basement, he found some flower seeds. He gave them to one of the tenants to look after, and raise the little plant. In the middle of the chilly winter, the flowers started to blossom with blood-red blooms. That day a bloody beaten up guy appeared in the room, and claimed it to be his. This was the last story ever heard of that student dorm, as the next day they found all its tenants frozen to death. Death took them in their dreams, as they were seeing a vision of a long gone story...

Once upon a time there was a marvellous New Year’s Eve ball in the halls of the dorm, and as part of a bet the most handsome man of the ball was dressed up in a beautiful evening dress. The result was so perfect, everyone would believe he was a young woman. So a young man started to pay compliments to the he-lady and asked him to dance. He even gave "her" a beautiful white flower. But at midnight when the young man wanted to kiss the he-lady, (s)he humiliated him in front of the whole crowd. They all laughed at the poor guy, who then started to plot his revenge. At the end of the night he followed the he-lady to the basement of the dorm, where he pushed him to the radiators, and beat him to death with parts of the heating system. The clashing sound would not stop, as he continued to hit the he-lady. The dead body was found the next day in misery, and the beautiful flower turned red from the spilled blood. This meant the end of an era, filled with parties and music for the dorm.

Some may say, that during that night, when all the tenants of the dorm were frozen to death there was, however, music and cheerful sounds again in the old building. They even saw silhouettes, dancing away the night. It were the ghosts of the dying, rushing towards their eternal sleep.


That was my Halloween special for you, I do hope you liked it. For now have a fearsome night, sweethearts!

 If you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.

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