Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

What can you do if you have only 5 hours in Nottingham?

2014. december 04. - Krisztina Panyi

Yes, today I am doing the usual "what to do in a city" stuff. But I just don' want to miss out on the experience of writing it. Previously I had some nice friends in my lovely town, so I feel qualified enough to give you advice on a sightseeing tour if the time you have is only a short 5 hour break here.


1. Start your walk by having a look at the "Ye olde trip to Jerusalem" in order to assure yourself, that by the end of the day you are going to have one of its finest ales as a final reward (this way you will have energy to be in time). It is always a lovely starting point, as the Inn provides you just the best mood for your trip.


2. Pay a visit to the castle. You can go inside  if you feel like, otherwise just have a look at the beautiful garden and the building itself, and go for a walk orund the walls of the castle.


3. Head towards the city centre. Visit old Market Square, have a look at the magnificent Town Hall, get a glimpse of Theatre Royal, go and see Nottingham Trent University and especially get lost in one of the little streets, which are full of lovely shops, cafés, and vintage stores. 


4. Are you ready to meet The Batman? Find a bus stop in the centre, get on bus 35 or 36, and head towards Wollaton Hall. Besides seeing the Wayne Manor (which is a rather interesting science museum itself) you will also realize that it is a lovely deer park, and that the animals are not afraid of you at all.


5. As we are running out of time (ohh Dear, only one hour left!), head back towards Ye olde Trip to Jerusalem for that fine English pint of ale, and enjoy every sip of it, because you deserved it.


I hope you liked my article, you can find the previous ones here.

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