Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

You know you are at home, when...

2014. október 12. - Krisztina Panyi

Moving to a foreign country is sometimes frightening, but in the end you will get used to the new experiences, and start to feel really good.

In this article I'd like to sum up the TOP 5 things which can tell people that now they are really at home.


1. You have a bag full of bags. Those mystical creatures appear in every houusehold, so if you have them, you must run one.


2. You have laundry. And you have a lot of them. All the time. You really start to produce dirty clothes, and nobody is washing them, but you. Don't worry, after a while it will be like walking the dog.


3. A nice and organised mess appear on your table. At home usually no one understands the concept of organised mess, but here it is not a problem, so your creative method of placing objects can blossom.


4. Objects of memories appear either on your wall, or on your table. You place some old tickets or bracelets you are sentimental about anywhere in your room, as you don't want to throw them out jet.


5. You get your first letter from someone, delivered to your room. 


+1. Those little bastards appear everywhere (this one is for girls especially... or rockers): If yu find your bobby pins/ hair bandage lying around in unexpected places, it means you start to be comfortable, and you just put them wherever you want.



 I hope you liked my summary about living in Graystacks, my lovely little home


 I hope you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.


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