Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

The fun side of Induction Week

2014. október 01. - Krisztina Panyi

As I am writing this Introduction week is already over. So many things happened during last week, I can't even list them. Of course there were some serious programmes and registrations to the courses, but I am not going to write about those. You can imagine it all by yourself.

What I would like to tell you right now is the other side (the Darker Side) of Induction week. 

I would like to give you a glimpse of well... parties, hangovers, housecleaning and prepared meals. 

So come to the Dark Side with me... We have cookies... Yet.

And, as we are in Nottingham, we have Robin Hood on our side too. 


First of all there is always something to do during Induction week. We had international barbecues, welcome parties, meet and greet sessions, and other international events. If this is not enough reason to enyoy yourself, you can still go to any club, any time. Clubs love us: We pay a lot for entrance feees and for drinks as well...



This is us, after our first Monday together...

I also learned that taxis can carry up to 4 people for around 6-8 pounds. However some rumour say that if you pay 20 pounds they will take 5 people. But be careful, one has to hide, and anyway don't do that, it is quite against the law.


Have you ever had the overwhelming feeling after a good night sleep? Me neither. Honestly, you won't find the feeling here during induction week either. You must take into consideration the fact that going out means going to bed around 6 in the morning (or for some of us even later) and sleeping till noon becomes a regular thing. For the past few days I always started my day with a good old... lunch. I don't even know if I have breakfast materials...


In Nottingham clubs close at 3 in the morning, not like in Hungary where they are open till 5 or 6 o'clock. But recently I've found out that 3 in the morning is the best time of the day to visit Subway (the sandwich bar, not the underground system) and make a bargain.


That's it for today, now allow me to go to bed and watch Archer all day long. 


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