Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

First week's surprises

2014. szeptember 26. - Krisztina Panyi

"Promise me this: the only things that you ever regret, are the things you didn't do."

Those were the ending sentences of Courtney Cox at the show Cougar town, where she plays a woman trying to re-live her youth in her 40s. While doing all the stuff he missed out on when he was younger.


 Also these were the words that rang in my ears as my plane took off from Budapest and headed towards Nottingham. 

The only things you ever regret, are the things you didn't do... Seems like a great advice and marvellous motivator for going out and having the time of your life during your Erasmus. All previous exchange takers pledge that Erasmuswas the best adventure they ever had. Why would I do it differently then?



In today's article my aim is to give you an impression about everyday happenings of the first week as an Erasmus student.

 First and foremost, food does not grow in the fridge. At home (especially if you live with your parents) there is always something to eat. But when you are on an exchange, all you have is an empty room, (hopefully) some money and great expectations. So first of all, go shopping fast and often, or you will be starving.


Second, it is always a problem if you undervalue the currency you are going to use. At home you might think that 10 pounds will be enough for a day, but especially at first week, when you have to buy items you need (like a hairdryer) you will realize that being an Erasmus student is way more expensive. 


Third, you have less free time, than expected. Especially in a dorm, you are always surrounded with new and interesting people. This is a great opportunity to meet other cultures, and learn new stuff. However you really have less time to deal with your introduction week information.

10686757_10201832963465194_1851731451489474608_n.jpg Let me introduce you the famous and marvellous inhabitants of Graystacks 3, Nottingham, including me.


And last but not least a new city gives you the overwhelming feeling of adventure all the time. You will get lost. You will find stores you never knew that existed. Your leg will hurt from walking 5 miles a day. But it does not matter, as you are having a freedom you have never had before. And best of all: it all happens in a foreign country that you love.


 I hope you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.

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