Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

Surprise in the box: Edinburgh

2014. október 21. - Krisztina Panyi

Scotland: where the grass is green, the mountains are mighty and the air is misty. Also a land of strong accent and ancient beliefs. The country is rocking its PR, isn't it?

Recently I paid a visit to the dearest capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh just to justify these statements. And today, my dearest reader, allow me to tell you some bits of Edinburgh's and Scotland's finest facts.


Believe it, (or not, it is entirely up to you), Scotland has its own pound. Actually they have 3 kinds of pounds. Let me explain: Out of good economic reasons (and because they can do it separately from England) they issue their own money. And to be more complicated there are 3 banks that can issue money, so there are 3 different kinds of banknotes. Ironicly all the issuings are controlled by the Bank of England. End of story.


Haggis is a national treasure for Scots and a myth for foreigners. Would you care for the stomach of the lamb, filled with liver and other organs? Well, it really is worth trying, as it tastes just like a fine liver should taste. So go ahead, and also order whisky with it, if you dare.


Ediburgh has a mountain, ideal for hiking in the middle of the city centre. I am not joking, it is amazing. If you ever want to get a glimpse of the Scottish country, but you don't have the time or money to go up there, well... just go to the citycentre in Edinburgh. Jolly good! 


Have you ever seen somebody in a kilt (traditional Scottish skirt for men. But never say skirt, it is really an insult) and also in a hoodie? It is common in Edinburgh. It is really to be respected, and nice how some people are still holding on to this unique custom.


As a university student it is one of my unwritten duties to visit a local student union (a.k.a.: pub with people like me). Imagine this: in Edinburgh student unions look like as if you were in Hogwarts, and one of them is inside a library. It is so cool.


+1 goes for Harry Potter fans. The Elephant House is a little stylish pub with good prices, and also it is the birthplace of Harry Potter. Pay it a visit, even if you are just going for the coffee. Which looks like this, by the way:



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