Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

What is the secret? Stonehenge.

2014. október 12. - Krisztina Panyi

Not so long ago I was lucky enough to pay a visit to the mysterious and cherished Stonehenge. The fame of this magnificent creation if unquestionable, however sometimes the myth does not meet reality. 

Right here allow me to sum up 5 interesting facts, or let's just call them experience, that I had while visiting.


1. Number one ground rule: You cannot touch those rocks, or approach them. And by the way, they are a bit smaller than in pictures. So take this into consideration, as number two is in connection with this...


2. ...As you can see Stonehenge from the highway, if you are in a hurry or just don't want to pay 14 pounds for the entrance, it might be a good solution to get a glimpse of the thing.

3. You might think that it is easy to experience the myth and power of these ancient ruins. Well you will be a bit annoyed by the other tourists who are taking pictures, blocking the view.


But enough is enough, let's share some nice experience as well:

4. If you are prepared for all these downsides, and you can take them easy, this place can really touch you. In the middle of nowhere, out in the fields, there lies the beauty of timelessness, worshiping a culture long gone. Isn't it just blissful?


5. The visitor centre is really nice and well prepared for everything, so with the free audio guides you can really dig deep in the history of this magnificent place.



So, may you go there and find the secret for yourselves. This was it for today, hope you liked it!

 If you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.

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