Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

Na Na Na Na: Batman - Inhabitant of Nottingham

2014. október 08. - Krisztina Panyi

Wollaton Hall, Nottingham: a breath-taking park with a pond, a natural deer population, several golf courts... AND also home of The Batman!

In the blockbuster movie The Dark Knight Rises Wollaton Hall became well known as the Wayne Manor for a short time, and this changed the old building's present reputation.


Before the filming Wollaton Hall was a historical part of Nottingham (it still is), with several ghost stories (of course, ghosts again...) and secrets. However nowadays most of the tourists are curious about one other thing as well: Seeing The Batman. Or at least, imagining him there.

Let me just give you a glimpse of what it would be like to be living in the park and in Wollaton Hall, if you were The Batman...

1. The Park around Wollaton Hall has a deer population, so if Batman feels like going on a hunt, he could easily do that. Or maybe if he is only hunting the bad guys, he can just go out and feed the deers, as they are not afraid of people.


2. The park has a huge pond which is suitable for both fishing, (or if you are The Batman) and swimming as well. There is no better exercise for Batman than going for an early morning swimming or running around Wollaton Hall.


3. As we are in England it is only natural that the park is full of lovely squirrels. They are friendly, and there is nothing better than going home after a long day of serving justice (as Batman) and feed those little animals from your hand. 


4. The park has several golf courts, so maybe Mr Wayne could invite all of Gotham (Which is an actall village is Nottinghamshire. Seriously, google it) for a friendly competition.


5. I left the best one to the last: Batman can invite Robin Hood for a pot of nice English tea any time, as Sherwood Forest is just around the corner. Wouldn't it be nice? Just stop there, and imagine it. I'll wait for you to do that.... Got it?... Yes?... Well, isn't it just lovely?


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