Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

5 very English food to try

2014. október 12. - Krisztina Panyi

If you are in England you have to face the fact: you cannot avoid British life. Two days after my arrival I realised that I am already drinking tea in the afternoon and I have a bag of cookies in my cupboard. So prepare yourself, as today we are going to eat and treat like an…


What is the secret? Stonehenge.

Not so long ago I was lucky enough to pay a visit to the mysterious and cherished Stonehenge. The fame of this magnificent creation if unquestionable, however sometimes the myth does not meet reality.  Right here allow me to sum up 5 interesting facts, or let's just call them experience, that I…


Első hét "Erasmusos" diákként

Nottingham két egyetemmel is büszkélkedhet: A Nottingham Trent University (motto: Shaping futures), és a University of Nottingham (motto: a city is built on wisdom). Habár a két intézmény jól megfér egymás mellett (talán mert a város két ellentétes végében találhatóak),…

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