Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

Preparing for Erasmus: the tricky side

2014. szeptember 26. - Krisztina Panyi

It is a hard task to win an Erasmus scholarship. Thoughpeople falsely expect it to be the hardest part.

In this article I am going to summarise the TOP 5 unexpected challenge before travelling to Erasmus. 



5. Google Maps plays a huge part in finding accomodation. It is our only source to get a glimpse of our dream dormitry. Hopefully it is close to the university, and filled with nice people. 


4. Low budget airlines have strict regulations on the size and weight of luggage (around 20 kg). This means that we sometimes have to decide between packing a warm jacket, or our favourite book. (Or whether we should put on the jacket, and place the book in its pocket. This calls for a win-win situation) 


3. We are planning marvellous trips to the surroundings of our new hometowns. But this ends once we have a look at our bank account. 



2. Time flies, especially the last 3-4 weeks go away fast. We have huge plans about farewell parties and fulfilling bucket list items, but time is running out. And soon we realize that we only have a day left... and that is for packing.


My number one difficulty is a common one, most of you have faced it in your life. 

1. Because of the stress, late night parties and other tensions it is more likely to get ill, right before our plain takes off. This happened to me as well, on my last week at home, I was having a sore throat. But at least I had less time to worry about my journey. 


 I hope you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.

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