Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

The 5 emergency recipes of a University student

2014. október 21. - Krisztina Panyi

As we are getting older and wiser we are also expected to learn how to cook. Or at least how not to die of hunger eventually. 

Today I'm going to sum up a list of my experiences about cooking as a university student. I must warn you, this is NOT for the weak ones. I am really far from being a gourmet chef.


1. Deep frost pizza at the end of a tiring day is ok (Sorry for that, healthy living). Sometimes you are just so tired (or lazy) that you are not able to do anything. Need I say more? Pizza is the cheesy guardian angel of Uni Students. 


2. Longing for some Italian? But you cannot really afford anything, as you are a broke Uni student? (Or because you drank away all your money? In this case, the shame is on you, mate.) It is okay, just buy some pasta and tomato sauce. La Dolce Vita.


3. All right, it IS time to start real cooking. For me, the easiest ingredient to find is chicken breast. Use your frying pan (you know, flat, round thing) and put the sliced meat in hot oil. (watch out for everything), and add some onions. Don't leave out the salt. And let's see what else you have. Paprika? Ok, fine. Mixed herbs and pepper? Give it a try as well. Wait, you have some red wine leftover? Sure thing, add it. (my apologies for the one who can cook and who are right now terrified). Ohh look, you found some chicken seasoning. Why not, you are making chicken... Alll right, try NOT to burn the whole thing, then serve it with easy-to-be-prepared rice.

Let me explain what just happened: this is a typical example of student cooking. You just try your best, and well, add all the jummy things you have. (And by the way, that chicken turned out to be really good! It is on the picture)


4. All right, now my stomach is really hating me for not being healthy. Today let's just make a salad as an apology. Add some iceberg lettuce, cheese, olives, tomato and cucumber (maybe herbs), and you are ready to go. It is simple, and conveinent. 


5. I really feel ashamed, but I have to share this with you: Sometimes you are just so over your head (Uni, lack of time, ect.), that the meal of the day will be a glass of water and a hope for a better future.



 I hope you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.

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