Erasmus & Nottingham

Erasmus & Nottingham

Buying Goose in Nottingham: the Fair

2014. október 06. - Krisztina Panyi

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, allow me to introduce you the one and only Goose Fair in the magnificent town of Nottingham. - Those could be the words of a newsboy in Nottingham on the morning of the Fair. But as we are in the 21st century, well, it is up to us to imagine. But it would definitely sound like that. 


As for the Goose Fair, it is coloulrful, has nice and loud music, and also has a vibrant atmosphere... And food. It has really good food as well.

So for now just take a deep breath (but don't close your eyes, as you will need them for the reading part), relax and enjoy the top 3 things you could do in the Nottingham Goose Fair

1. You can try all the nice and shiny roller coasters, ferris wheel and other rides. As a salute to the english humour the chords of I feel good were played each time someone finished their round on the machine below. It was quite ironic but entertaining. 


2. You must definitely try out all the food. First we ate some burgers. Then we tried the hot dog. And afterwards the fries. And then some peas. And then came the churros (Spanish doughnut) and the toffee popcorn. And last but not least we had some English doughnut and of course cotton candy. And a stomach ache the next day. But it was totally worth it. 


3. You have to try to win something. It is so cool to wine a life sized minion for yourself. And also this is my (lifelong) dream. But unfortunately the day has still not come when I can fill my dream and get that cutie. I still have to try the next time... Or maybe ask someone for me. 


 I hope you liked my article, here you can my previous articles.


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